Darts Farm

Topsham, Devon
Tel: 01392 878 200
Email: info@dartsfarm.co.uk

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Posted in Recipes on 28 May 2024

A traditional Spanish dish that originated in Catalonia. It's a simple yet flavourful dish that highlights the quality of its ingredients, making it a beloved staple in Spanish cuisine.

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Crispy Lemon Roasted Baby Artichokes

Crispy Lemon Roasted Baby Artichokes

Posted in Recipes, Spring Recipe on 02 Apr 2024

These roasted baby artichokes are tossed in lemon juice, baked until crispy and sprinkled with salt making a delicious spring snack or side dish.

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Crispy, smashed potatoes with a  chive & wild garlic yoghurt

Crispy, smashed potatoes with a chive & wild garlic yoghurt

Posted in Recipes, Seasonality, Spring Recipe on 01 Mar 2024

A delicious taste of spring. Crispy Jersey Royals mopped up by a chive & wild garlic yogurt dip!

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The Ultimate Boxing Day Bubble & Squeak

The Ultimate Boxing Day Bubble & Squeak

Posted in Recipes on 20 Dec 2023

Our Head Chef, Tom, shares his top tips for making this classic dish a little bit special whilst including left over Yorkshire puds, cold cuts and gravy.

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Brussel Sprout & Purple Sprouting

Brussel Sprout & Purple Sprouting

Posted in Recipes, Seasonality, Autumn Recipe on 12 Oct 2023

Creamy & cheesy made with handpicked veg from our fields. This one is oozing with flavour, easy to make and even easier to devour!

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Miso Grilled Cabbage

Miso Grilled Cabbage

Posted in Recipes, The Farm, Summer Recipe on 07 Sep 2023

We have just picked our biggest ever cabbages on the farm! The question is, what to do with them... we're enjoying them charred & drizzled with an incredible creamy tahini miso dressing!

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Braised Thema Artichoke

Braised Thema Artichoke

Posted in Food Hall, Recipes, Seasonality, Winter Recipe on 01 Feb 2023

Just in; plump and silvery green with prickly scales and furry centres; they’re in season right now.  Big, beautiful springtime artichokes are here. These Thema Artichokes offer a delicate taste, sweet and mellow that can’t be matched. Enjoy them braised with some garlic aioli using The Farm Table head chef, Tom's simple recipe.

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Posted in Food Hall, Recipes, Fitness & Wellbeing, Seasonality, Winter Recipe on 14 Jan 2023

Kimchi; a classic Korean dish, transforms our humble homegrown cabbages through fermentation, with a few carefully selected aromatics and ingredients. Once mixed with salt, the lacto-fermentation process begins, where naturally occurring bacteria convert the vegetable sugars into lactic acid, a natural preservative. And, as beneficial bacteria thrive, eating it aids digestion. Full of flavour, it makes an ideal addition to rice, noodles, soup, and even a cheese toastie! 

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