Darts Farm

Topsham, Devon
Tel: 01392 878 200
Email: info@dartsfarm.co.uk

Cow & Cacao Dark Chocolate Truffles

Cow & Cacao Dark Chocolate Truffles

We are proud to be one of very few UK producers who craft from bean to bar. We source ethically farmed cacao from small co-operatives in unique origins, then in micro batches, chocolatier Louise carefully roasts, cracks, winnows, grinds, ages & tempers our chocolate by hand.

Here you can have a go at making your own version at home!

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Serves: Makes 30 truffles
Cow & Cacao Dark Chocolate Truffles Image 1
Cow & Cacao Dark Chocolate Truffles Image 2

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For the chocolate ganache

300g Darts Farm single‑origin dark chocolate, broken into pieces
150ml Whipping cream 
50g Glucose syrup or Darts Farm Raw Honey 

To finish

500g Dark chocolate
25g Cocoa powder 


  1. For the ganache: line a 20cm square tin with baking parchment.
  2. Gently melt the dark chocolate, either in the microwave or a bain‑marie.
  3. Put the cream and glucose or honey in a small heavy‑based saucepan and gently heat until almost boiling, then remove from the heat.
  4. Stir â…“ of the cream mixture into the melted chocolate. As it starts to thicken, stir in another â…“ of cream and then the final â…“ until fully incorporated, smooth and shiny.
  5. Pour the ganache into the lined tray and spread evenly. Leave in a cool, dry place to set overnight.
  6. Remove the ganache from the tray and cut into equal‑size squares. If the ganache is too sticky, place it in the freezer for no longer than 10 minutes.
  7. To finish: using the seeding method, temper the dark chocolate. Place the cocoa powder in a shallow bowl.
  8. Dip the ganache squares in the tempered chocolate and then roll in the cocoa powder. Once all the squares have been dipped, remove any excess cocoa powder by placing them in a sieve and tapping gently. Alternatively, get creative and top with nuts, dried berries or crushed biscuit.

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